'Infinite stupidity': Fury as Trump brags Russia would free WSJ reporter if he's elected


Donald Trump prompted furious backlash by claiming that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich would "be released almost immediately" by Russia if he won the November election.

The journalist was arrested in March 2023 on spying charges and has spent more than a year in a Moscow prison without a trial date scheduled, and the former president suggested that Russian president Vladimir Putin would release Gershkovich as a personal favor to him if he wins re-election.

"Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office," Trump posted on Truth Social. "He will be HOME, SAFE, AND WITH HIS FAMILY. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!"

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The former president's claim raised a number of questions and prompted criticism from social media users.

"Trump – in his infinite stupidity – has, by some measure, probably decreased the chance Putin will release Evan Gershkovich before the election now. What a fool," posted Anthony Michael Kreis, a constitutional law professor and political scientist at Georgia State University College of Law.

"Wrong take from you," said X user Millard Fillmore to Politico correspondent Meredith McGraw, who reported on Trump's claim. "He is asking Putin not to release Evan prior to the election!!!! Do better."

"If he knows something, talking to high-level Russian diplomats/reps, State department needs to get involved ASAP," added X user Louis Subirana, also in response to McGraw.

The ex-president recently commented on Gershkovich in a recent Time Magazine interview, saying the journalist should be released but casting doubt on the likelihood that he would be freed before the election.

"Trump's been making deals with the devil his whole life, why stop now?" said X user twocents. "Time Magazine gave him the idea of a Gershkovich release. The only ideas he is running on are the grift and American Carnage."

"Insanity! Donald Trump just telegraphed to the world, once again, that he's Vladimir Putin's favorite candidate," posted X user Russell Drew, "and just increased the odds that Evan Gershkovich will rot in a Russian prison for at least the next six months. Shades of Reagan and the hostages in Iran 1980."

"Donald Trump is allowing Vlad Putin to blackmail the USA," noted X user Marty Weiss. "If they are such good friends and Trump actually cared about Evan Gershkovich, he’d ask Putin to release him now. What he’s really saying to Gershkovich’s family & the US, either elect me or he stays a prisoner forever!"

"This is evil crime boss stuff," said X user Eugene V. Belitsky. "'Vote for me or Evan dies. My friend will kill him if you don't.' Makes you wonder why Evan Gershkovich was grabbed by Russia in the first place. Was it so that Trump could use him as a hostage?"

"The implication here is that Evan Gershkovich is being held hostage as leverage for Trump votes," added tech writer David Cady. "More evidence that the only person Trump values is himself."

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