Sudden spate of burglaries in Cambridge, South Cambridgeshire and Ely prompts police warning - and 11 security tips

A spate of burglaries across Cambridge, South Cambridgeshire and Ely this week - including at least seven on Wednesday alone - has prompted a warning to householders from police.

They have had reports of burglaries and attempted burglaries in the Mill Road, Cherry Hinton, King’s Hedges and Barnwell areas of Cambridge, as well as in Histon, Gamlingay and Ely, between Monday and Wednesday (20-22 May).

There has been a spate of burglaries over the last few days

Det Sgt Jon Lockwood, from the force’s acquisitive crime team, said: “We’ve seen burglaries in Cambridge where victims are leaving doors and windows unlocked, which is being exploited by opportunistic burglars. There has been a spike of these, especially the Mill Road area.

“I would encourage people to report suspicious behaviour to us so we can get a fuller picture of what is happening in the community.

“None of these burglaries are linked and investigations are ongoing.”

Detailing reports from 20-22 May, police said:

\- Two purses with money, a licence and credit card were stolen between 4pm on Monday and 11am on Wednesday, from a home in Covent Garden, Cambridge. Crime reference: 35/36594/24.

\- Three men entered a property in Mill Street, Gamlingay, at about 1.30pm on Wednesday and searched a property. They were chased from the house and escaped in a blue car, driven by a man. Crime reference: 35/36428/24.

\- A purse containing bank cards and money, a tin containing £300, and designer clothes were stolen from a home in Turner Drive, Ely, at about 2pm on Wednesday. Crime reference: 35/36457/24

\- There was an attempted burglary at a house in Cambridge Road, Ely, at about 2.30pm on Wednesday, where two men were seen trying to break in before they were disturbed and ran off towards Witchford Road. Crime reference: 35/36498/24.

\- Jewellery was stolen from a house in Normanton Way, Histon, at about 3pm on Wednesday. Three men were seen breaking in and leaving in a white car. Crime reference: 35/36449/24.

\- There was an attempted burglary at a house in Fernlea Close, Cherry Hinton, at about 3.50pm on Wednesday, in which a man tried to get in through an unlocked door and ran away when the homeowner screamed. Reference: CC-22052024-0367.

\- A home was burgled in Nicholson Way, King’s Hedges, Cambridge, between 4.20pm and 8pm on Wednesday. Reference: CC-22052024-0519.

\- A wedding dress, passport and bank cards were stolen from a house in Wadloes Road, Barnwell, Cambridge, on Wednesday. Reference: CC-22052024-0605.

Anyone with any information or doorbell CCTV of any of these burglaries and attempted burglaries should report it through the force website using the relevant reference number.

Anyone without internet access should call 101. In an emergency, dial 999 or you can report information through the force website.

11 security tips for householders

Police issued these home security tips for householders when they are not at home:

Lift, lock and remove the key from your doors and make sure they are double-locked if possible.
Make sure windows are secure and locked.
Make sure that any valuables are out of sight.
Keep handbags away from the letterbox or cat flap and hide all keys, including car keys, as a thief could hook keys or valuables through even a small opening.
Never leave car documents or ID in obvious places, such as kitchens or hallways.
In the evening, shut the curtains and leave lights on.
If you’re out all day, then it’s advisable to use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night.
Set your burglar alarm.
Make sure the side gate is locked.
Lock your shed or garage.
Lock your bike inside a secure shed or garage, to a robust fitting bolted to the ground or wall, like a ground anchor.

Further home security advice can be found on the force website.