'What judge on planet Earth does that?' Justice Alito raked over the coals for new scandal

Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito (Italian embassy/Flickr)

Reacting to a new report that Justice Samuel Alito displayed another flag associated with the Jan. 6 insurrection flying at his beach vacation home, CNN's Van Jones pounced on the controversial conservative justice for his casual disregard for observing ethical decorum.

On Thursday morning, Jones spoke with CNN host Jim Acosta and was asked about the “Appeal to Heaven” flag he and his wife put on display after trying to dismiss the upside-down American flag they flew at their primary home.

With both flags prominently displayed by rioters when they put the nation's Capitol under siege, Jones trashed the justice for attempting to blow off the judicial scandal.

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"Van, just a short while ago I was talking to Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) about this flag controversy when it comes to the Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito," CNN's Acosta prompted. "You had the upside-down flag at his house in Virginia and then another flag outside his beach house — the flag that's been embraced, it dates back to the Revolutionary War,— but it was embraced by election deniers around January 6. She says Sam Alito should recuse himself and I'm just wondering Van, we've seen in the polls a lot of Democrats sort of disillusioned this election cycle, younger Democrats."

"Might the Supreme Court issue sort of energize things on the Democratic side?" Acosta asked. "Do you think that is something that maybe the Biden team should be emphasizing a bit more?"

"Well, I mean, I don't think that would energize younger voters," Jones replied. "Some of the more disaffected voters aren't paying attention to that kind of minutiae. I think they're more concerned about just a sense of lack of hope or direction, which I think Democrats need to be better about inspiring young people."

"I do think that Sam Alito is also playing with fire here," he continued before asking, "What are you doing? It makes zero sense for you to be flying hyper-partisan political symbols outside of your house. Who does that? What judge on planet Earth does that? That is literally the definition of 'you are not a judge, you are a political activist!'"

"And so there is really no reason for him to do something like that and it puts the country in jeopardy where people no longer even believe inn the Supreme Court," he added.

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