Jennifer Lopez puts fan in their place over Ben Affleck breakup rumors - 'You know better'

Jennifer Lopez quickly dismissed any questions regarding rumors of a breakup with her husband Ben Affleck during a recent appearance.

Fans are still eager to learn of any updates from the world of Bennifer. An icon in both movies and music, Jennifer Lopez met Ben Affleck in 2002 on the set of their film Gigli. Although they broke off an engagement and split up in 2004, fast forward to 2022 and they tied the knot at last. She’s currently set to star in the action sci-fi movie Atlas, working the press tour for it without Ben by her side. Thanks to that, in part, she’s had to fend off questions about rumors of a potential breakup…

Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for The Recording Academy

Jennifer Lopez shuts down Ben Affleck breakup question

With rumors of a break-up between the Hollywood couple circulating, JLo was quick to dismiss any questions while promoting her latest blockbuster.

“Is it true about the situation?” somebody asked in the crowd, although it’s uncertain whether they were a member of the press or not. JLo’s response was swift and to the point: “You know better than that.”

Determined to discuss the movie and not her love life, the video shows the 54-year-old doing her best to keep the tour on track. “Don’t come in here with that attitude,” somebody told the person who asked, coming to JLo’s defense.

Jennifer and Ben have been sighted without the other recently, in the wake of reports from Us Weekly that the two are “having issues”. The source previously told the publication that “Jen is very focused on work,” and they’re “on two completely different pages most of the time.”

Rumors and speculation are rife right now, but it’s clear that JLo is insistent none of the discussion surrounding her marriage interferes with her work.

Public reactions to JLo’s response vary wildly

While some have been sure to share their respect for JLo refusing to elaborate on what’s going on with Ben behind closed doors, others haven’t been quite so understanding.

“Okaaay but you put your whole love life out there, (private letters and all) in a movie!” one began combating in the comment section of an Instagram post sharing the panel moment. “And you wanna shame someone for asking about it?” The commenter is referring to the 2024 documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told, which intimately touches on elements of their relationship.

Brutally, one replied to that comment: “Exactly, I have zero sympathy for her.”

However, she continues to earn defenders for her decision to remain tight-lipped. “She looks so hurt when asked that question,” one fan wrote, arguing “They should just leave her alone.”

“Give her some space!” another demanded. “She looks very uncomfortable with the question.”

Atlas premieres on Netflix on Friday, May 24th 2024.

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