Analog launches incentivized testnet, allocating minimum 2% of token supply for participants

Analog’s testnet is open for developers, community, and validators; participants can complete quests and climb the ATP leaderboard to share $ANLOG

Analog, a Layer-0 cross-chain communication protocol and Web3 data provider, has announced the launch of its anticipated incentivized testnet.

This initiative invites developers, community members, and validators to earn rewards and actively contribute to the platform’s future.

A minimum of 2% of Analog’s total $ANLOG token supply has been allocated for testnet participants.

Empowering developers with cross-chain tools

Analog’s core products form a comprehensive toolkit for cross-chain development.

The Analog Watch offers a full-stack indexing and query protocol, simplifying Web3 data access via a GraphQL endpoint. Developers can leverage the open-source Watch SDK or the hosted Watch Portal to streamline their workflows.

Additionally, Analog GMP (General Message Passing) provides a permissionless communication layer, allowing DApps to send and receive messages across different blockchains.

The Timechain, an immutable ledger underpinning the Analog network, employs a combination of Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) and Proof-of-Time (PoT) protocols to ensure security, decentralization, and scalability.

Phased rollout of the testnet

The Analog Incentivized Testnet follows a phased rollout plan to ensure a smooth experience for participants.

Developers began participating on April 16th, with the broader community joining at the end of April. The upcoming Phase 3 will open for validators, and all three phases will run concurrently until the end of July.

Participants in the testnet can complete various quests and climb the ATP leaderboard to share in the rewards.

This structured approach not only provides an opportunity for participants to earn $ANLOG tokens but also plays a crucial role in shaping the platform’s future development.

Victor Young, CEO/Founder of Analog, said,

We believe that building a truly interoperable cross-chain ecosystem requires the insights and contributions of everyone.

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