NBU to limit P2P wire transfers to $2,500 per month

The proposed limits for outgoing peer-to-peer (P2P) transfers will be set at UAH 100,000 and 30 transactions per month for a single account.

NBU Deputy Governor Dmytro Oliynyk said the restrictions will come into effect within a month.

“We are considering introducing limits for weekend P2P transfers from individual accounts to UAH 100,000 per month and restricting the number of such transfers to 30 per month,” Oliynyk told the journalists.

“According to our calculations, 95% of bank clients will not even notice these limitations. However, it will become more difficult and costly for wrongdoers who use individual cards for activities such as tax evasion and criminal conduct.”

Read also: NBU considers limiting card transfers

According to the NBU, the volume of these “shadow transfers” could amount to billions of hryvnias. Individual cardholders knowingly provide their account details to wrongdoers, who then use them to obscure their cashflows from tax authorities.

Incoming transactions will not be limited in any way, to avoid creating difficulties for volunteers, for example.

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Section: Business

Author: Eric Malinowski