Clever tool that lets you lock apps on your phone is a life-saver for procrastinators

Exam season should be filled with studying, concentration and focus, but many people struggle with battling their screen time on social media.

If you suffer from procrastination, Refocus App is a clever tool that lets you lock apps on your phone – encouraging you to crack on with important tasks including work, education or everyday admin.

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Refocus App can lock apps and websites

Refocus is an app that encourages users to limit and reduce screen time by allowing them to block apps and websites of their choice.

You can lock the apps you select for a set amount of time, eliminating distractions and encouraging you to focus if your phone is nearby.

A TikTok user named @caoimhefgraham praised the app, sharing that it helps break phone addictions so you can study: “Refocus App has made studying so much easier without the distractions!”

To use this clever tool, simply search ‘Refocus’ on the App Store, download the free app and follow the directions to lock and set timers on apps and websites.

Apple’s default screen time feature

You can also learn how to block apps and websites on iPhone devices by using Apple’s Screen Time feature.

To manage screen time in Apple settings, go to ‘Settings’, and ‘Screen Time’, then tap ‘See all Activity’ and select a category in the list shown to set limits and restrictions.

So while Apple does already enable users to set limits on their screen time, some users claim the feature is not effective enough for them to reduce and limit screen time.

A Health Design creator named Wolfe suggested in a TikTok video that Apple’s screen time limit feature is too easy to avoid, therefore not helping limit screen time, whereas the Refocus app provides an unavoidable block.