Wasn't planning to kill: Media reveals attacker's motives towards Fico

Photo: Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia (Getty Images)

Slovak writer Juraj Čintula, who shot at Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15, revealed his motives in court, according to Pravda.

According to the court decision on Čintula's arrest, as reported by Pravda, he began preparing for the attack on Fico on May 13. During the court hearing, Čintula explained his actions by disagreeing with the policies of the Slovak prime minister, in particular, the persecution of cultural and media workers.

According to Pravda, among Čintula's motives was Slovakia's refusal to assist Ukraine in its war with Russia. In court, Čintula said he considered Slovakia's current government to be Judas in relation to the European Union.

Therefore, as stated in the court decision, Čintula decided to cause harm to the health of Fico so that he could not fulfill his duties as prime minister, but not kill him.

"Approximately on Monday, May 13, he decided to take revenge on this government for such policies by causing harm to the health of the prime minister, intending to do so with the help of firearms, which he has legally owned since 1992," Pravda quotes the content of the court decision.

For the attack on Fico, the attacker used a 9-millimeter CZ 75 pistol of Czech production.

Assassination attempt on Fico

On May 15, after the Slovak government's offsite meeting in the town of Handlová, an assassination attempt was made on the Slovak prime minister. The writer Čintula shot Fico several times as he approached the crowd of people outside the building where the meeting was taking place.

Fico was seriously injured and is currently in the hospital. According to Roosevelt Hospital, where the prime minister is staying, Fico's condition was stable and clinically improving as of the morning of May 20.