Dating app users are raging after finding themselves in 'rose jail' between matches

Hinge users have reported being placed in “rose jail” by the dating app as some suggest that paying for human interaction is “ridiculous” and somewhat cruel.

With thousands of apps on the market and hundreds you’ve probably never heard of, finding a significant other has never been easier – or has it? When you’re not combing through red flags on a first date, you are forced to trudge through countless dating app profiles with motives ranging from casual summer fling to long-term marriage.

Credit: Unsplash/Nikita Tikhomirov

What is the Hinge Rose Jail?

Despite Hinge being one of the more popular dating apps available, often releasing new features, users are often detailing various issues on social media.

Recently, singleton Tim Stein (@timstein94) stitched an earlier video of himself on TikTok that detailed his Hinge journey so far. In the original clip, he complained to his 26k followers about being back on the app.

“You’ve figured out you’re in rose jail and now you’re complaining, ridiculous,” he said in the most recent upload. “Get me out of prison. I want to be a free man. Maybe that’s the problem. Who’s paying? Why are you paying, what are we paying for? We are paying for humans? This is ridiculous. Break us all out, we should be free.”

But what is the Hinge Rose jail? Essentially, each day, the app provides its users with a “standouts” section that is supposedly filled with your most promising matches. Though you can’t like these top-tier men and women, you can send them a “creepy” rose, but you only get one a day. Of course, you can buy more if you please.

How to break out of dating app Alcatraz

This is not the first time that Hinge users have reported the best matches being hidden behind a paywall, and as such, there are various tips and tricks available on the internet.

Firstly, many veteran dating app customers have suggested getting rid of your standouts to force their profiles back into the usual database of dating hopefuls. In theory, this means you could see those individuals on your usual hunt for matches.

Credit: Unsplash/Giorgio Trovato

Another tactic for getting out of Rose Jail lies within the settings of the Hinge app, as explained by TikTok user @stellabr8 earlier this year.

“Okay so yesterday, I went to delete Hinge right? Because I’m like, I’m over it, I’m done with Hinge, I’m done with dating, and I’m done being discouraged because I’m so sorry, everyone is atrociously ugly, no offense,” she said at the time. “So I go to delete the app and then it tells me wait, are you sure you want to delete or do you just want to, like, refresh your feed?

“So, I hit yes, my feed refreshes, and suddenly I’m seeing the hottest guys I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”