Only in Trump World...

Credit: Jason Kuffer via> President Biden Tried to Assassinate Himself

President Biden was locked and ready to take himself out during a search for classified documents at his Wilmington, Delaware home.


Of course, the above is sick satire imitating even sicker ALL-CAPS, real-life claims by Trump and his minions that “Biden’s FBI,” executing a search warrant for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, was planning to assassinate Trump.

The Washington Post calls it “an extraordinary distortion of a standard FBI policy on the use of deadly force during such operations,” adding, “A former president falsely accusing his successor and rival of posing a threat to his life is without precedent in modern U.S. history.”

In addition, “agents were well aware Trump would not be present at the property during the search, as it was carried out during Mar-a-Lago’s off-season when Trump normally resides at his property in Bedminster, New Jersey,” The Post writes.

Agents “arrived in deliberately casual outfits to lower their profile — khakis and polo shirts — to comb the area…” The Post adds.

According to The Washington Post, the FBI issued a statement Tuesday evening saying that it “followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force…No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

“Behind Trump’s false claims is a major misrepresentation of an otherwise boilerplate policy memo,” ABC News claims.

In a floor speech Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized Trump for his outrageous accusations saying, “What Donald Trump said, falsely suggesting his political opponents are out to kill him, is beyond the pale and is the stuff that leads to political violence.

PolitiFact, the fact-checking website, found the claim “not only wrong but ridiculous,” and rated it “Pants on Fire!”

Here are some of the facts listed by PolitiFact:

• The FBI said it followed standard protocol in the search, which includes a standard statement about the use of deadly force. Former FBI agents told PolitiFact it is standard to include such a policy statement.

• The operations order included a policy statement on the use of deadly force, dated July 19, 2022. It said, “Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”

• Luke William Hunt, a former FBI special agent and a University of Alabama associate philosophy professor, said an operations order is standard procedure when the FBI is carrying out any operation, such as a search or arrest warrant. It details everyone’s role in the plan, and there’s nothing unusual about including the FBI’s deadly force policy in the internal document.

• An FBI operations order Trump’s attorneys referred to in a court filing included language about the department’s deadly force policy — which Trump, his legal team and online supporters took out of context to back their claims the FBI was prepared to shoot Trump…

But back to Biden’s “assassination attempt” on himself:

In January 2023, the FBI searched Biden’s Delaware home after Biden’s lawyers reported finding a small number of classified documents at his home. (The FBI also searched Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home in February 2023.)

The president and first lady Jill Biden were not at the home at the time of the search.

Today, Attorney General Merrick Garland pointed out that a similar Justice Department memo on the use of deadly force was also used in the FBI search of Biden’s home in January 2023, calling the Trump World accusations “false and extremely dangerous.”

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