'He has no right to be here': Trump motorcade met with boos by angry Bronx locals

Carmen Falores, 82, protests former President Donald Trump as he rallies in The Bronx. (Kathleen Culliton, Raw Story)

The Bronx — Former President Donald Trump was met with boos as his motorcade rolled toward his rally in The Bronx Thursday evening.

Among the crowd of angry protesters who gathered in Crotona Park was a local teacher named Kara who told Raw story she wanted to boo Trump because of the many students the former president has made cry.

"He has no right to be here," the Bronx teacher said. "I've had students crying because they thought their parents would be evicted."

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Kara describes herself as a sixth generation immigrant, and says her Haitian husband was also brought to tears by Trump.

"He's crying because Trump said he's from a s---hole country," she said.

Kara herself condemned Trump for policies during his first administration and said she and fellow educators were "tortured" by his secretary of education Betsy DeVos and public school funding cuts.

"It's absolutely ridiculous," Kara said. "He needs to be out of this borough."

Kara was outraged that Trump would come to one of the poorest districts in the country to spread a message she characterized as hateful.

"He s---s on these people all the f------ time and he thinks her can come here to do a f------ rally?" Kara said. "He's hideous."

On the other side of Crotona Park, another protester and Bronx local echoed Kara's rage.

Carmen Falores, 82, said she came armed with a "Lock Trump up" sign because she wanted to "protect" President Joe Biden.

"I don't want [Trump] here," Falores said.

She also expressed suspicion that rally attendees were residents of her borough, noting a large number of license plates of cars parked outside the park appeared to from out of state.

"He'll say, 'Look at my crowd in The Bronx," she predicted. "He's a liar."

North of the park, a counter rally saw a crowd of union members climbing a grassy hill carrying signs with one message: "Joe has our backs."

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