'Steady stream of people leaving' Trump's Bronx rally while he was still talking: reporter

Empty seats at Manchester rally (Twitter)

Donald Trump's New York rally was expected to be enormous, but early reports suggest some potential attendance issues.

Trump appeared in the Bronx, where he lost the vote in 2020 by significant margins, to promote his standard anti-immigration and anti-Joe Biden messages.

A Raw Story journalist attending the event reported on boos the Trump motorcade received upon arrival, as well as that the police expressed surprise that there were only about 3,500 attendees.

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Another journalist also focused on the crowd size.

Guardian reporter Hugo Lowell reported that the ex-president was "scheduled to appear shortly for his rally in South Bronx, NY — sound track is Macho Man and YMCA."

"Meanwhile maybe a thousand people haven’t made it past Secret Service screening, unclear whether Trump will wait for them to make it into the park where it’s being held," the reporter added.

An hour later, as Trump was still speaking when Lowell made a follow-up report:

"Trump’s rally had a max capacity limit, so maybe a thousand are still outside the Secret Service perimeter more than an hour later — though a steady stream of people is now entering… to replace the steady stream of people leaving," he said.

@JBellSATX replied, "Tiny crowd. People waking out while he’s talking. Hilarious."

@ShoutingDstnce also chimed in on the issue: "Max capacity limit is 2,300. And Trump still pays for people to attend his rallies on Craigslist."

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