George Conway trolls Trump with billboard on the route to his Mar-a-Lago golf club

Photo: Screen capture

Conservative anti-Trump attorney George Conway has come up with a new way to get under former President Donald Trump's skin.

"So, just for kicks, I put up a billboard a few miles south of Palm Beach on I-95 South, perfect for anyone happening to travel from Mar-a-Lago to Doral to, say, play golf," wrote Conway in a post on his social media. "Right around Exit 64, I believe. They’re going to send me better photos later."

Conway, who was previously married to Trump administration adviser Kellyanne Conway, provided an image of the billboard, which stated, "VOTE FOR JOE, NOT THE PSYCHO."

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Asked about the billboard on MSNBC's "All In," Conway said it was in a "perfect location."

The billboard is part of a long tradition of anti-Trump activists placing advertising designed specifically to be seen by the former president, to enrage him.

One of the most famous examples of this is the Lincoln Project, a political group made up of former Republican strategists who have frequently booked ad spots on D.C. speaking to Trump directly, including a recent ad that mocked him as a "weak" and "unsteady" person who needs "help getting around."

The former president reacted directly to that ad with a furious post on his Truth Social platform. "The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden, not an easy thing to do," he wrote. "Fox News shouldn’t run these ads, just as low ratings CNN & MSDNC will not, under any circumstances, run negative ads on Biden or the Democrats."

While Trump can often be found golfing at his properties in South Florida, he has lately had to spend a lot of his time in New York City, where his criminal trial for business fraud is approaching its conclusion.

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