Busted: Minnesota GOP candidate reportedly spent campaign money at nude Florida strip club

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - MAY 29: Former NBA player Royce White speaks during a protest outside the Hennepin County Government Center on May 29, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. White, a Minnesota native, joined former NBA player Stephen Jackson calling for the prosecution the officers involved in the killing of George Floyd. (Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)

Republicans in Minnesota just endorsed Royce White, a former NBA player and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist, for the Senate race against Democratic incumbent Amy Klobuchar. But it turns out he is hiding a lot of skeletons in his closet.

White, up to this point, is best known for wearing the words "Trump Won" on his head during the Big 3 League games in 2023 and for proclaiming that women these days "have become too mouthy" in an interview with Trump strategist Steve Bannon. But that's not all — he may have broken campaign finance law in a very colorful way.

According to The Daily Beast's Roger Sollenberger and Mini Racker, "At five in the morning one week after Republican Royce White lost his 2022 Minnesota congressional primary, his campaign shelled out more than $1,200 in donor funds to a vendor 1,800 miles away not typically associated with political expenses — an all-nude strip club in Miami, Florida, called 'Gold Rush Cabaret.' That is just one among dozens of outlandish but previously unreported payments that The Daily Beast has identified from White’s 2022 Federal Election Commission filings. Several campaign finance experts characterized some of the expenses as potentially illegal spending."

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White, for his part, claims these were all legitimate campaign expenses.

But there are more bizarre expenses White has claimed in his filings, the report continued: "The Daily Beast reviewed White’s 2022 primary campaign reports and found numerous items that boggled legal experts. The unusual expenses include a total of more than $100,000 in mysterious wire transfers and checks reported as paid to the campaign; hefty tabs at spicy nightspots; getaways at posh hotels in at least seven states; thousands of dollars in limousine services; unexplained cash withdrawals; eye-popping purchases from electronics, sporting goods, clothing, and musical instrument retailers; and the DribbleUp smart basketball training app that White himself admitted might be personal use."

Personal use of campaign funds can rise to the level of a crime. Former Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), another large supporter of Trump, pleaded guilty to corruption charges in 2019 for a hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal uses for campaign money through falsified records, including extramarital sexual liaisons with lobbyists.

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