Methwold Iceni Academy pupils’ short stories chosen for anthology after Around the World in 80 Words competition in 2013

In our weekly Memory Lane Schooldays feature we look back at a creative writing competition in May 2013...

These pupils at the Iceni Academy in Methwold were looking pleased with themselves in May 2013 after being told that the short stories they had written had been chosen for an anthology which was to be published.

The budding authors took part in Around the World in 80 Words – a creative writing competition for secondary schools which had been organised by Young Writers, of Peterborough.

Archive Image from the Files of the Lynn News King's Lynn.

Two of the successful Year 9 pupils were Lilly Bowers and Louis Wortley also had their stories reprinted in full in the Lynn News, Lilly reflecting on the war in Afghanistan and Louis writing of returning home from a boat trip.