Exit-linked Gers stars in Last Chance Saloon as Clement flat out refuses to answer question

If you’d read any news surrounding Rangers this week, you’d have been forgiven for forgetting there was a Scottish Cup Final against Celtic on the horizon.

As if to numb the pain of yet another Scottish Premiership collapse, rather than focus on a Final 22 years in the making, fans have instead buried their noses in the reams of transfer links coming out of the club.

But as we approach game day, and the battle fever builds, Rangers fans have started to turn their heads towards Hampden on a day made for heroes.

Speaking ahead of the trip to Scotland’s national stadium, Philippe Clement has claimed that Rangers heroics v Celtic could well yet salvage Ibrox careers.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

Gers stars can win Clement favour v Celtic

Philippe Clement really started the deluge of Rangers transfer reporting when he insisted that a sizeable rebuild was the horizon in the summer.

Rangers fans, fed up with the same old faces talking a good game but failing to deliver, have since been treated to a series of high profile links.

At the same time, there is chatter aplenty about who could be leaving the club as contracts expire and the patience of fans begins to wear thin.

With several in this Rangers squad very much drinking in the Last Chance Saloon, Clement claims that there is still time for certain players to convince the club that they deserve to be here beyond the summer.

“I don’t think (victory over Celtic) will make major differences in decision making,” said Clement, speaking to the press ahead of the match.

“Maybe a player can change the mind to stay if he makes something really special out of this game. That can always happen.

“But I didn’t say a lot, a lot. So you guys (are) making the story bigger and bigger and it’s also difficult to say what is a lot.

“We need to make changes, it’s clear.

“Some things happened this season that were not good enough and it’s ambition to make the club better and make the team better.

“So it’s clear we need to do that towards next season but first we need to focus on the now, on this moment, and to grab the moment.”

Rangers manager swerves Lundstram poser

One player who is at the centre of exit discussions is Scouse midfielder John Lundstram.

Philippe Clement was clear earlier in the season that he wanted the 30-year-old to pen a new deal but recent reports have pointed the ex-Sheffield United star towards Turkey.

With fans still upset at the midfielder’s own goal, red card collapse at Celtic Park, there will be few tears shed if Rangers fans never see Lunny in a blue jersey again.

But in a defiant message to supporters, the Rangers manager claims he won’t be lectured to by supporters and insists the decision is his to make.

If the midfielder gets the nod, it’s one hell of a statement by Clement and the time for redemption is nigh.

“I’m never going to make decisions about what fans are thinking at that moment,” said Clement. “Because that’s emotion.

“They don’t see trainings, they don’t see the team working, they don’t even know the players, how they are, or how they are in the dressing room.

“So I don’t think I need to answer that question, if I need to start with (John Lundstram) or not.

“It’s about the decision I make with my staff about what I see in the trainings and what I saw the last couple of months in the games.”

Rangers are set to face Celtic at Hampden to contest an Old Firm Scottish Cup Final, with kick off scheduled for 2pm.