why you should never put a mirror in front of your bed

Why you should never put a mirror in front of your room [pinterest] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Could mirrors be the source of many people's sleeping problems?

There is scientific evidence and cultural warnings against positioning your mirror right in front of your bed.

Feng shui, based on ancient Chinese wisdom, says that mirrors disturb the balance of energy, or "qi (chi)," in a space. It was believed that mirrors heightened the energy in the space, which could cause unrest and disrupt sleep.

Reasons to avoid putting a mirror in front of your bed

1. Light reflection

Mirrors can bounce around light from nightlights, electronics, or even moonlight, making the room feel brighter. This disrupts the body's natural sleep cycle (circadian rhythm), which needs darkness for deep sleep.

2. Distraction and anxiety

Mirrors can reflect movement or objects in the room, creating a confusing visual environment for your brain. This can be especially distracting if you see yourself moving or shadows shifting, making it harder to relax and potentially leading to anxiety.

A study published by Royal Society Publishing used a clever "virtual reality box" with a mirror reflecting a participant's hand. Here's the surprising finding: people with only one hand still felt sensations in their missing limb when the reflected hand (in the mirror) was touched or moved. This highlights the strong connection between our vision and sense of touch, potentially explaining why mirrors in bedrooms can be distracting during sleep.

In a Washington University School of Medicine publication, researchers found out how impulses are transmitted via a neuronal circuit in the retina, located in the back of the eye, which enables the eye to sense movement even when you are not focusing on anything.

Scientific reasons why you shouldn't sleep with your mirror facing your bed [yahoo]

3. Blue light disrupts melatonin

Research shows that blue light, like the kind from electronics and bright lights, suppresses melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone crucial for regulating sleep-wake cycles. Less melatonin makes it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

4. Disrupted Energy Flow

Feng shui emphasises a balanced energy flow in a room, but a mirror directly facing the bed affects this. Mirrors are seen as affecting the flow of energy in a room. A mirror directly facing the bed can create a restless and unsettling feeling by constantly bouncing energy back and forth, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere needed for sleep.

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5. Bad dreams

Mirrors are said to capture and hold onto bad emotions and thoughts, which can lead to disturbed sleep and frightening dreams when they face the bed.

6. Focus on Vanity

A constantly visible reflection is believed by feng shui practitioners to promote excessive focus on physical appearance which potentially hinders personal growth and self-reflection.

7. Encourages cheating

When directly facing the bed, the reflection doubles the romantic energy of those sharing the bed, potentially encouraging infidelity or unconsciously inviting external influences.