Putin signals willingness to halt Ukraine war through ceasefire talks - Reuters

Russia's leader, Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)

The Kremlin's leader, Vladimir Putin, is prepared to halt the war in Ukraine through ceasefire negotiations. However, the war is intended to cease at the current front lines, according to Reuters.

At the same time, according to the media, Putin is willing to continue the war if Ukraine does not agree. Three sources familiar with discussions within Putin's circle reported that he "expressed frustration to a small group of advisers" regarding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's decision to refuse negotiations.

"Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire – to freeze the war," said the second of four high-ranking Russian sources who worked with Putin.

Like others mentioned in this article, he spoke on condition of anonymity due to the issue's sensitivity.

On this matter, Reuters spoke with five people who work or have worked with Putin at a high level in the political and business world. The fifth source did not comment on freezing the war on the front lines.

Meanwhile, according to all sources, the agency writes that Putin's persistent demand to fix any military gains in the agreement is not up for discussion.

However, according to four sources, Putin would be willing to settle for the land he currently holds and freeze the conflict on the current front lines.

"Putin will say that we won, that NATO attacked us and we kept our sovereignty, that we have a land corridor to Crimea, which is true," said one of them.

Putin ready to sell victory to Russians

As the agency writes, the appointment of economist Andrey Belousov as Minister of Defense of Russia last week was perceived by some Western military and political analysts as a transfer of the Russian economy to a permanent military regime aimed at winning a protracted conflict.

However, media sources reported that Putin would like to use Russia's current development dynamics "to leave the war behind."

Based on their knowledge of conversations in the Kremlin's upper echelons, two sources quoted by Reuters reported that "Putin was of the view that gains in the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people."

Peace summit in Switzerland

Ukraine is preparing for the first Global Peace Summit, which will take place in Switzerland on June 15-16.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy initiated it. It will take place without the participation of the Russian Federation.

In turn, the Kremlin stated that the negotiations do not deserve trust without the presence of the Russian Federation.