3 mistakes Americans make when drinking coffee that neuroscientist says impacts brain health

Coffee is proven to have several health benefits, but a neuroscientist claims Americans make three common mistakes with their favorite beverage, negatively impacting their brain health.

We told you what happens when coffee is consumed before getting a Brazilian wax, as an esthetician warns against its side effects. And, by avoiding a few other overlooked mistakes we discuss today, you can reap the most benefits of the popular drink.

Australian man makes a cup of steaming hot coffee for himself

3 mistakes Americans make with their coffee

Neuroscientist and Alzheimer’s researcher Dr. Robert Love claims Americans are more prone to either drinking coffee at the wrong time or preparing it with methods that can harm the brain.

When to drink the first cup of coffee

It’s a common practice no one thinks twice about – drinking coffee in the bed or soon after waking up. But the neuroscientist warns against this habit.

He says you must give yourself at least ninety minutes after waking up before going for the first cup of coffee. Not doing so will cause an afternoon crash or slump – when the body demands a break and makes you sleepy.

Picking the ‘right type of coffee’

Dr. Robert claims coffee is second on the list among crops grown with the most pesticides after cotton. He strictly recommends only using organic coffee.

Drinking coffee not grown organically can impact your brain and overall health from its harmful chemicals. The best type of coffee for your brain is Light Roast, as it consists of more antioxidants.

How you brew your coffee matters

Although espresso and French Press methods are believed to produce more antioxidants, the neuroscientist recommends brewing it with the drip method – more effective than the others.

Furthermore, what you add to your coffee also impacts your brain health, and Dr. Robert says you should avoid using dairy in it.

The proteins in cow dairy bind with the polyphenols in coffee, making it harder for your body to absorb the antioxidants.

You can instead use MCT oil, which he claims keeps your mind sharp. Coconut oil is another healthier substitute for dairy. If you still prefer milk in your coffee, he suggests using almond or coconut milk and avoiding cow milk.

Dr. Robert Love is a neuroscientist, researcher, and educator, who specializes in helping people prevent Alzheimer’s disease with science.

His LinkedIn bio claims he’s the ”most watched neuroscientist on the planet,” with over 2.1 million followers on TikTok.

His work has been featured on television networks and magazines, while he leads a research team investigating a new FDA drug to help reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.