Hints from Heloise: How to put a freeze on your credit and a clever way to conserve water



Dear Heloise: Two days ago, I accidently left my credit card in a restaurant. When I called them, they said that they didn’t have it, so I called the credit card company and reported it missing. My son said that I needed to report it to the three credit-reporting agencies. I don’t recall who these people are or how to contact them. I was told that I need to put a credit freeze and a fraud alert on my card. I’m confused. Aren’t these the same thing? -- Eleanor K., Topeka, Kansas

Eleanor, no, they are not the same thing, and here is some information that may help you in the future:

A credit freeze is so that no new credit card can be opened using your name without your authorization. You will need to use a PIN (Personal Identification Number), which will be given to you when you put a freeze on your credit card. No one will be able to access your credit reports unless you lift that freeze. According to federal law, you cannot be charged to place or lift your credit freeze. You need to contact all three agencies:

You should also place a fraud alert on your credit card. This is a free service that lasts one year, unless you decide to lift the alert before the year ends. After seeing a fraud alert on a person’s credit file, businesses are required to verify that person’s identity before extending any new credit.

If you are a victim of identity theft, you can extend the fraud alert for up to seven years. If you contact one agency, they will alert the other two credit agencies. Their numbers and web addresses are different from the credit reporting information and are listed below:

It’s important to always check your credit with these agencies at least once a year. Don’t let criminals ruin your good credit standing. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: Whenever I have to boil a food, such as pasta, beef or various grains, I wait until the water has cooled off, then water my potted plants with that water. Not only is it good water conservation, it gives the soil a few more nutrients.

I also add coffee grounds from freshly brewed coffee to my potted plant’s soil. My marigolds and geraniums are beautiful and seem to love the added coffee grounds. -- Maureen S., Chattanooga, Tennessee

Maureen, I put coffee grounds in my plant’s soil, and it produces some beautiful roses that grow along my fence. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: I was tired of all my makeup cluttering up the tiny space on my bathroom counter. I finally bought an over-the-door shoe organizer, and now I place everything in there. Presto, I’m organized! My husband was so impressed that he bought a shoe organizer to sort out all his nails, nuts and bolts in the garage. -- Emma L., Santa Fe, New Mexico

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