Naturopathic doctor claims you can 'reverse diabetes' or its symptoms with natural resource

A naturopathic doctor claims diabetes can be “reversed” with a healthy practice that doesn’t require much work and it’s believed to naturally create more insulin in your body.

Diabetes is one of the leading health conditions affecting a large chunk of the population. According to the United States Census Bureau, 37 million people were affected by it as of 2023, including children and adults. However, there’s an easy way to manage your blood glucose level.

Copyright Tim Robberts

Doctor claims you can naturally ‘reverse diabetes’

Naturopathic doctor Dr. Janine Bowring claims you can control your blood glucose level by exposing yourself to natural sunlight.

She says “Reversing diabetes may be easier than you think” as more insulin is secreted by the pancreas in reaction to the UV light on the skin.

Moreover, people living in areas where there isn’t much exposure to natural sunlight are at higher risks of diabetes or prediabetes.

A number of studies on sunlight and diabetes have established that normal glucose levels are persistent among people exposed to natural sunlight as compared to artificial light.

This is also why fruits with a high glycemic index such as bananas, mangoes, and pineapples grow in regions with sunlight throughout the year as the human body can naturally better absorb the sugar in them.

However, you must ensure you’re safely exposing yourself to the sun at the right time of the day without a sun tan lotion.

Fruits that are safe to consume

A common misconception is that all fruits are safe to eat, but the doctor explains in a different TikTok video three fruits people with diabetes must avoid as they spike their blood glucose levels.

Bananas, mangoes, and pineapple, as noted above, are among the most dangerous fruits for diabetics.

The safer options include:

  • Avocado – the fruit contains healthy fats and vitamin E.
  • Olives – loaded with polyphenols, it’s said to be “great for a healthy heart” and the healthy fat balances blood glucose levels.
  • Berries – strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and more grown locally in the season are low in the glycemic index and safe to consume when you have diabetes.

Dr. Janine Bowring is a Naturopathic doctor with over 25 years of experience. She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Science in 1994 and earned her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine Degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.