Red Bull boss Horner: Monaco needs changes to remain in F1 calendar

Christian Horner, Team Principal of the Red Bull Formula One team, is pictured during the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Germany. Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

Red Bull team principal Christian Horner said that the iconic circuit in Monaco needs changes so that Formula One races can be held there in the future.

"To secure the next 70 years here, further development is necessary," Horner said on Friday on the sidelines of this weekend's Monaco Grand Prix.

The problem is that "the race is already decided on Saturday." In the narrow street circuit, where overtaking is very difficult, a first place in Saturday's qualifying usually also means a first place in the race.

"The cars have become so big and wide that two cars can hardly fit side by side here. To have an entertaining race, we should look at whether there is a chance to create better overtaking opportunities," Horner said.

One possibility for this could be a modified track layout and the construction of newer, wider sections but organizers have been unwilling to make changes.

The traditional event was held in the first F1 season in 1950, while it has been part of the calendar since 1955. However, its future is wide open.

Monaco has a contract to hold F1 races until 2025, but negotiations beyond that will be difficult. It can't be ruled out that the principality will temporarily lose the race or that it will only be held every two years on the traditional circuit.