NYC lawmaker drops the mic on MAGA true believers' claims of massive rally crowd

New Yorkers lounge in Crotona Park yards away from former President Donald Trump's Bronx rally on May 23, 2024. (Kathleen Culliton, Raw Story)

A New York City Council member is on a one-man crusade to prove to former President Donald Trump's supporters their candidate had a very small rally.

Brooklyn City Council Member Justin Brannan, a Democrat, faced off against MAGA supporters Friday morning after he posted an aerial-view photo of Trump's Bronx rally Thursday night that throws into question the former president's 25,000-attendees claim.

"We had more people in chambers for budget hearings," Brannan quipped.

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Police have told Raw Story that the 3,400 people reserved spots at the rally, a Guardian reporter estimated a line outside the field included about a thousand more, and an NYPD officer in the park Thursday estimated the total was 3,500.

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This did not stop MAGA followers from trying to discredit Brennan's post — which relies on footage taken from an ABC News helicopter that flew over Crotona Park.

Their proof? That the image included an 11:09 timestamp that did not include the ante/post meridiem classification.

"To [sic] bad the picture is from 7 hours before Trump’s arrival," replied X user Tom.

"He's literally in the photo," replied Brannan.

"He wasn’t there at 11am," insisted @bananacoffeemi.

"Photo is from the 11 𝙋𝙈 news on ABC," Brannan replied.

The MAGA truth-seekers then pointed to the sun as proof that the image was a hoax.

"You can’t think I’m that stupid," replied the incredulous X user Ascendent. "It might have been from the 11pm news, but it’s not light out at 11pm. And certainly the news wouldn’t be out to provide a slant would they?"

"My head hurts," replied Brannan. "Have a good day!"

It was up to another X user to point out ABC News had aired footage taped hours earlier.

Proofs cast aside, the conversation quickly devolved into a trading of insults. Once again, Brannan stuck to his guns.

"Still a decent showing," insisted 2XR.

"To our hearing?" Brannan replied. "Yes, was great."

Michael Ragusa, a City Council candidate who dropped out his race over accusations of ballot fraud then joined Rudy Giuliani's security team, chimed in to support Trump.

"Show what happened between 5pm and 7pm," he demanded. "Waste."

"Right around the time you were changing Rudy's diaper," Brannan replied.

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