5 calculated tactics narcissists 'always use' to suck you in that shouldn't be overlooked

There’s no easy way out of a relationship with a narcissist. However, the possibilities of getting sucked back into it are higher when you overlook certain tactics they use.

Narcissists lack empathy and are notorious for keeping people in their lives only to meet their needs. We told you different selfish reasons your narcissistic ex wants to remain friends. Now it’s time to learn about the calculated moves they use to pull you back into the vicious cycle, also known as “hoovering.”

Good-looking young man with short dark hair and beard in white t-shirt gesturing beautiful redhead woman in black tank top and jeans go away, ignor…

5 tactics narcissists use to suck you back into the relationship

Christina is a narcissistic abuse coach with over 4 years of experience. Having survived a toxic relationship, she uses her journey to healing to inspire others on their path to recovery.

In one of her videos on her YouTube channel called Common Ego where she has accumulated over 260,000 subscribers, Christina reveals common ways narcissists always use to hoover their victims. Being aware of these manipulative tactics will save you from getting stuck with a toxic partner.

They tell you you’ve always been ‘the one’

To a narcissist, it doesn’t matter if they have more than one supply, but they will always tell you that you’re the “only one” in their life, only to suck you back into the relationship with them.

Often victims come to believe the lie in the hopes of fixing their relationship with a narcissist, unable to get past the trauma bond.

They start drama out of nowhere

Narcissists thrive on drama, especially if they are trying to win you back. They may accuse you of moving on too fast or being romantically linked to others after a breakup, while they may see other people themselves.

This is a common tactic they use for bullying the victim into getting back with them.

They find a way into your life

A narcissist knows just the thing to say to you when they want to have you back in their life. It could be under the pretext of a second chance or using common knowledge about mutual friends and family to get in touch with you.

Sometimes they use “accidental texts” to strike a conversation and it could be anything irrelevant. Ignoring their attempts or going “no contact” are the only solutions to avoid a narcissist if they are persistent with their approach.

The fake apology

This is a universal truth: Narcissists don’t and can’t apologize. If you find your ex begging for forgiveness, run for the hills, and don’t fall for the devious tactic.

They know very well this works like a charm because they never take accountability for their actions. When they do apologize, although fake, you come to believe it as a genuine gesture.

Followed by an elaborate apology

They resort to grand gestures when nothing else works. They will ask you on an exotic vacation to “reconnect” or go the extra mile to do something you’ve always asked them to do, but wouldn’t until they realize they’ve lost you.

Some narcissists will even convince you that they are ready to marry you, without any intentions of keeping up with their promise. This is also future faking. Christina says you should “always look out” for these elaborate apologies and not give in.