Libertarian speaker jabs Trump in profanity-filled speech ahead of ex-president's visit

Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump talks to supporters during a campaign rally at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel on January 17, 2024 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

When Donald Trump delivers his speech at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday — he may be met with rancor.

That's because on Friday, chaos consumed the event on its second of four days. Thetheme is "Become Ungovernable".

"Ms. McArdle, I'd like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go f---- himself," blasted one of the apparent delegates, according to a video clip.

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Angela McArdle, who chairs Libertarian National Committee, had already publicly explained why the part sought to include the 45th president and presumptive Republican nominee for president.

"President Donald Trump is coming to specifically address our grievances as Libertarians," she said. "Whether they're grievances with his administration in particular or government at large, he's coming to speak to our list of Top 10 concerns."

Weeks ago, she had also defended the decision to have Trump headline the event and suggested the dissent was coming from “a small, noisy faction.”

“The Libertarian Party — it’s really kind of a big-tent party,” said Nathan Polsky, chairman of the Libertarian Party in Collin County, Texas.

Robert F. Kennedy, an Independent, addressed the event on Friday. Apparently President Joe Biden was invited but McArdle claims his team didn't respond.

“Neither of them upheld the Constitution when it really counted,” he said of the 46th and 45th presidents who he is running against.

During the vulgar strike lobbed at Trump in the exchange on the video clip, an apparent delegate member from Connecticut, demanded a "Point of order."

"Madame Chair... I have a time sensitive motion to RFK and Donald Trump's speaking time," he said.

He went on to say that his motion has been co-sponsored by 43 delegates.

The delegate didn't get a response from McArdle, and she started to skip him and go to another delegate.

"Oh my god," he said. "Point of order."

McArdle then responded: "Your point of order is not a point of order, Mr. Reale."

"You're going to alienate 43 co-sponsoring delegates? The media sees you doing it right now."

And that set up the mystery man who with his microphone told Trump to "go f--- himself."

It was met with cheers.

The same challenger then added: "Yeah, that was my motion too. We are a Libertarian convention looking to nominate Libertarians. We do not need to give that time to non-libertarians."

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