Forget abs and a big bank account, matchmaker says 3 qualities in men are most important

Despite the masses saying abs, biceps, and a hefty bank account make men more desirable, an expert matchmaker has trashed the idea with three important qualities of her own.

Matchmaker Barbie Adler, who earlier revealed the qualities men are looking for, is no stranger to what men and women are looking for after helping over 4,000 couples find their perfect match.

Humor is one of the most important qualities in men

Credit: Unsplash/Jamie Brown

Humor has, and always will be, one of the driving factors of attraction, so much so that studies have now proven that women prefer men with a funny bone.

“A sense of humor might seem like a nice but somewhat trivial trait–a cherry on top of someone’s personality, so to speak. However, a vast majority of my clients list it as a highly important trait,” Barbie told us. “This is because humor is not just an ability to make jokes: it’s a sign of someone’s intelligence and quick-wittedness, their ability to assess and respond to situations on the fly.”

Barbie further argued that funny men are more likely to help you through particularly hard times, though she did say most women are also looking for men who understand “the time and place for humor.”

Women love commitment-mindedness, said Barbie

Credit: Unsplash/Carly Rae Hobbins

Through her work as a professional matchmaker, Barbie identified that all of her clients are looking for a long-term relationship. They want to make it past the first date red flags and into a well-established relationship with a meaningful connection.

She said: “To be commitment-minded is to display integrity, honesty, and loyalty at all times. It involves showing respect to yourself and to your partner by making time for them and listening closely to their needs. In doing so, it helps your partner feel safe and secure in the relationship.

“Commitment-minded people understand that intimate relationships based on trust and respect do not arise out of thin air, but need to be worked on, and they are more than willing to put in that work. The dedication and strength of character that commitment-mindedness demonstrates makes it a perennially desirable trait.”

Who doesn’t love confidence?

Credit: Unsplash/Sydney Rae

Barbie’s final point was that confidence is one of the most “universally desirable traits” in a partner, mostly because it demonstrates how comfortable they are in their own skin.

“Confident men do not need to hide behind a facade or put on an act to impress women but know the value of their authentic selves,” she said. “Confidence is also a sign of a positive attitude and an ability to persevere through hardships, which is an important quality in long-term relationships.”