'Greatest invention' grabs pickles from the jar without getting your hands dirty

Eating pickles or pickled onions straight from the jar is one of life’s greatest things, but putting your hands in the oily liquid isn’t.

You have to go and wash your hands immediately with soap or risk smelling like pickle juice for the rest of the day – but not anymore.

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Tool to get pickles out the jar

There’s a nifty little tool on the market called a pickle picker or pickle grabber, a small syringe-like device that lets you lift pickles out of the jar without getting your hands dirty.

You press the top part in to release a metal grabber which tightly cups around the pickle or pickled onion. Then, you release the top to hold it in place.

After that, you can lift the snack out of the jar and place it directly into your mouth, and there’s no risk of it falling on the floor as it’s tightly secured.

You can get the little device on loads of online stores including Amazon, eBay, Temu and AliExpress, and it doesn’t cost much – but will change your life.

‘We need this’

The pickle picker has gone viral on TikTok this week after a woman shared a video of herself using it, and everyone is obsessed.

One person commented: “We NEED this for gherkins and pickled onions.”

“This is brilliant,” said another.

A third person added: “Greatest invention, the pickle picker.”

“GAME CHANGER,” someone else said.

Another agreed: “I need this in my life.”

It’s not a new device

You may not have ever seen one before, but the pickle-grabbing device isn’t actually new at all. Many remember their grandparents owning one!

One person said their nan had one in the 90s and they used to call it the “pickled onion pickerupperer”.

Another said her grandma used to have one on the table to grab gherkins during the Christmas buffet.

Someone else recalled their gran having one “like 30 years ago” when they were a kid.

If you thought that was good, wait until you see this TikTok hack to peel garlic!