Immigration Officer Convicted of Trying to Snap Photos Up Flight Attendant's Skirt During Work

A deportation officer for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was convicted this week of attempting to take photos up a flight attendant's skirt while he was transporting an immigrant, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Florida announced Friday.

Billy Olvera, 48, of Laredo, Texas, was convicted Wednesday of one felony count of interfering with a flight crew. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

Olvera was traveling from Dallas, Texas, to Miami, Fla., in his official capacity transporting an individual for removal from the U.S. late last year when the crime occurred.

A flight attendant observed Olvera holding his phone in the aisle or the plane, aimed toward the ceiling, whenever she walked past him.

She told another flight attendant, who then filmed Olvera the next time the victim walked past him. The video showed Olvera clearly attempting to film up the flight attendant's skirt.

Law enforcement officers were contacted by the pilot and met the plane at the gate.

A federal search warrant for Olvera's phone revealed "numerous images and videos taken of the victim, and pictures and videos that attempted to capture a vantage point up the victim's skirt."

Olvera's sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 16.

\- with reporting by TMX