‘Swerving’ Chatham Audi driver banned from road after late night drink and drug driving

A factory worker who got behind the wheel of his sports car while drunk and high on cannabis has been banned from driving.

Weed-smoking Andrejs Maulins aroused the suspicion of police while on a late night drive near his home in Chatham.

Andrejs Maulins admitted possession of cannabis and drink-driving when he appeared in court

Police grew concerned over “the manner of his driving” after spotting him swerving in his Audi A2 Sport.

They thought he might be intoxicated when they stopped him in the road he lives in, and after opening his car door they immediately smelt cannabis.

Maulins admitted he had a small amount on him and the 27-year-old’s stash was seized.

He was then asked to do a roadside drug swipe test which proved positive for the Class B drug.

However, they also gave him a breath test, as they suspected he had been drinking, and that proved positive too.

Andrejs Maulins was sentenced at Medway Magistrates' Court. Stock picture

Maulins was arrested and further breath tests were completed at the police station where he gave a reading of 92 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35.

His blood was also tested for cannabis but when the tests came back, he was found to be under the legal drug drive limit.

Maulins, of Prospect Row, Chatham, was later charged with drink-driving and possession of cannabis.

He pleaded guilty to both offences when he appeared in the dock at Medway Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday (May 22).

The court heard the incident happened on November 9 last year.

James Nichols prosecuting said: “Police saw him driving his Audi Sport in Chatham at 1.30am.

Andrejs Maulins was pulled over in Chatham near his home and was found to be well over the legal drink drive limit and also had cannabis in his system

“They were concerned about the manner of his driving as he was swerving and they stopped him and when they opened the car door they could smell cannabis and he admitted he had a bit.

“Officers seized a small amount and got him to do a drug swipe for cannabis and also did a breath test as they thought he had been drinking and that was positive too.

“He gave a reading of 92 microgrammes, but he’s of previous good character and guidelines say it’s on the cusp of a community order or a fine.

“The aggravating features are he had cannabis in his blood, it was checked and he was under the limit for the drug and to be fair, he was fully compliant with the procedures.”

Lee Bridges, defending, told the court his client was single, lived with his mum and siblings and worked in a factory for DHM Plastics Limited completing 12-hour shifts usually and also worked every other weekend.

Mr Bridges added: “He earns £2,500 a month and he contributes £700 a month to food and rent (at the family home) and his work is a 25-minute drive each way (from his home), and he entered an early guilty plea.

“The significant feature for this man is that he will not be able to work (when he loses his licence).

“He is a Latvian national and has been in the UK for 15 years, he has always worked.

“He was in the wrong, there is no excuse. He was cooperative at the roadside and at the police station and he made no comment in interview as that was what he was advised to do, he did want to explain.

“He would like to be offered the drink-driving course.”

He was in the wrong, there is no excuse

Magistrates banned Maulins from driving for 23 months.

They did offer him the drink-driving course and if he completes it, his ban will be reduced by a quarter.

He was also fined £576 for the drink-driving offence and was ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £230, as well as £85 court costs, and will pay what he owes the court within two months.

Maulins received no separate penalty for the possession of cannabis offence, but magistrates did order it be destroyed.