Judge Cannon put on notice that her 'disqualification cup runneth over' in Trump case

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Judge Aileen Cannon's "disqualification cup runneth over" in Donald Trump's criminal document-handling and Espionage Act case, a former federal prosecutor said.

Ex-prosecutor Glenn Kirschner went on MSNBC on Saturday, where he was asked if Cannon is "the reason that Trump may not face trial before" the election.

"And how do you see the ruling for their quest to bar him from making statements that could endanger law enforcement? Because this is different than requesting a gag order, right?" the host added.

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"It is. What prosecutors are requesting is that Judge Cannon modify the conditions of Donald Trump's pre-trial release. Remember, he is on pre-trial release in four cases," he said. "Ordinarily they would say if someone on pre-trial release is a demonstrated danger to the community, or even to one person, they should be detained pending trial. Of course that law unfortunately does not seem to apply to Donald Trump, so it is anybody's guess whether they will take this request from Jack Smith seriously and modify Trump's conditions of release."

He added that Cannon "certainly should given that he is lying about and endangering FBI agents."

Continuing on to address the delay in the documents trial, Kirschner said, "This is Judge Cannon's delay."

"What I think is most concerning is that some months ago Judge Cannon, when it became clear that May 20th, the date was not in the cards due to prosecution in New York, she asked the parties, the prosecutors and defense, for proposed trial dates," he said, noting that Trump's lawyer then "said August 12th."

"They represented they could be ready to go to trial on August 12th. Rather than simply accepting the date proposed by Donald Trump's lawyers, she said, nope, not setting any trial date. I have to believe we have come to a point where Judge Cannon's disqualification cup runneth over and I do hope that Jack Smith seriously considers filing a motion to recuse."

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