Libertarian Party's delegates 'keep booing Donald Trump' ahead of ex-president's address

Then-President Trump concludes his campaign speech at the rally in the Bojangle's Coliseum. (Jeffery Edwards /

Donald Trump is scheduled to speak Saturday night before the Libertarian National Convention, but he's in hostile waters, according to boos heard prior to the former president's arrival.

On Friday, the Libertarian Party's meeting reportedly erupted with fights, personal attacks, and obscenities. This led Politico to report that the ex-president "won’t be speaking to his usual self-selected crowd of adoring red-hatted MAGA fans when he addresses the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday."

That report is apparently proving true over the weekend.

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David Weigel, covering politics for Semafor, is in attendance at the event.

"Hello from the Libertarian National Convention," he said. "Downstairs, the LP's delegates keep booing Donald Trump; upstairs, the room for the 8 pm speech has been sweetened with dozens of suburban Republicans who drove in for it."

The reporter continued:

"The Hilton also did Trump a solid by making Libertarian presidential candidate Lars Mapstead remove projections of his 'STOP 270' slogan - pictures of Trump/Biden, a plan to deny either an Electoral College win - from the lobby. (This acc'ing to Mapstead.)"

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