Chaos at Trump event as crowd member yells that ex-president 'should have taken a bullet'

Former President Donald Trump. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Donald Trump is in hostile territory on Saturday, as someone in the crowd yelled that the former president "should have taken a bullet" before the speech even began.

Trump is soon scheduled to come on stage at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. Raw Story reported that Libertarian delegates have been booing Trump when his name was mentioned, and that there is a pending "emergency" meeting to potentially cancel the event.

As the night's program began, someone affiliated with the Libertarian Party began asking people to remain civil despite differences with the former president.

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"None of us are great fans of Donald Trump," he began before getting off track. "We don't know if he has any capacity to learn, but we must give the benefit of the doubt in all cases."

The speaker outlined "major differences" with Trump, including Trump's Operation Warp Speed to fast track a COVID vaccine.

That's when someone in the crowd yelled that Trump "should have taken a bullet."

That led the speaker to remind the audience members that the Libertarian party embraces the non-aggression principle.

"Wow," the speaker said. He then added, "I don't condone any violations of the non-aggression principle," and the crowd cheered.

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