Trump allies melt down as Libertarians 'eject Trump members' from front row seats at event

Trump supporters and protesters gather outside a campaign rally (and accompanying anti-Trump protest) for President Trump and US Senate candidate Martha McSally. (Eric Rosenwald /

Donald Trump's closest allies are worried about what's going on at the Libertarian National Convention, where Trump supporters were purportedly asked to give up their front-row seats to make room for members of the group.

Trump is soon scheduled to take the stage at the Washington, D.C., political convention, but there has already been some drama. For starters, there was an email from a party official suggesting the Trump event might be cancelled. There was also a Libertarian crowd member who yelled out that Trump "should have taken a bullet."

But MAGA's most faithful adherents are all upset about the seating arrangements.

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According to various reports, Trump fans filled the room where Trump is set to speak while Libertarian Party business was still being conducted in another area. When the Libertarian members funneled into the speech room, they were seen asking Trump supporters to give up their front-row seats to make room for some members.

This didn't sit well with Trump's far-right allies.

Bo Loudon, a "17 year old pro-Trump influencer," posted an all-caps alert.

"TRUMP SUPPORTERS HAVE SEIZED PRIORITY LIBERTARIAN CONVENTION SEATING AND ARE REFUSING TO VACATE THEIR SEATS!" He added that the "squeaky rubber chickens RFK Jr. has been passing out to sabotage have been BANNED from the ballroom."

That led Former Trump administration official Michael R. Caputo to say that, "Donald in the Lion's den."

One of those Trump supporters to fill the room was Charles R. Downs, who wrote on social media, "Some RFK Jr. supporters are acting deranged, yelling at Trump supporters, calling them 'authoritarians.' Video coming soon!"

MAGA influencer Raheem Kassam identified one of the Libertarian delegates.

"One of the Libertarian delegates ejecting Trump supporters and press while demanding a front row seat is [Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Mark Tippetts]."

Another influence, Johnny MAGA, complained that "Libertarian SCUM just kicked MAGA out of the front row at the convention so they can boo Trump."

Fox News pundit Leo Terrel said, "It's a trap against Trump. We must protect the President.

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