Cambridge Regional College student Alysia Gutteridge sets new world record at British Drug Free Powerlifting Association National Single Lifts

Cambridge Regional College Sport student Alysia Gutteridge set a new world record at the recent British Drug Free Powerlifting Association (BDFPA) National Single Lifts.

The 18-year-old set the new record in the single unequipped bench press with a lift of 85kg and also won two more divisional titles in squat (115kg) and deadlift (140kg), winning her teenage group bodyweight category in the process.

And Gutteridge, who only took up powerlifting in 2023, has now qualified to feature at the World Championships Single Lifts on 31 May.

Alysia Gutteridge set a new world record. Picture: David McWilliams

“It was honestly an amazing feeling knowing I had achieved something so incredible and qualifying myself for Worlds was also something I never imagined happening but when I did it felt insane. I was so excited and can’t wait to compete,” said Gutteridge, who hails from Norfolk.

“I love a competition. I’m so competitive, it’s what I need.

“I really, really, enjoy powerlifting. The only thing I know is sport. When I was younger, I swam and did gymnastics. My entire life revolves around sport.”

The World Championships take place in Amsterdam.