Zelenskyy says over 80 states confirmed their participation in Peace Summit on Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (president.gov.ua)

More than 80 countries have already confirmed their participation in the Peace Summit in Switzerland on June 15-16, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Together with Switzerland, we are preparing such a Summit. It starts on June fifteenth. More than eighty countries confirmed they will come. And we continue to work with the leaders, inviting them to join the Summit. I thank everyone who really helps to bring the peace," he said.

The President also appealed to the world leaders who have so far stayed away from global efforts to prepare for the Peace Summit - President Biden, the leader of the United States, and President Xi, the leader of China.

" We do not want the UN Charter to be burnt… burnt down just like these books. And I hope you don’t want either. Please, show your leadership in advancing the peace – the real peace and not just a pause between the strikes. The efforts of the global majority are the best guarantee that all commitments will be fulfilled. Please support the Peace Summit with your personal leadership and participation," Zelenskyy said.

Why is the summit important?

According to the President, it is a pleasure for Russians to burn, and "we all know who we are dealing with."

"Russia is run by men who want to make it a norm – burning lives, destroying cities and villages, dividing people and erasing national borders through war. There is no nation that can stop such war alone, unaided – world leaders’ engagement is needed," Zelenskyy said.

He adds that Ukraine has the world's largest experience of lies from Russia in negotiations, that, in particular, was Russia's cover-up for preparing for this war.

"And that’s exactly why global efforts are needed – the Global Peace Summit of the leaders whom Russia won’t be able to deceive," he stated.

Peace Summit in Switzerland

On June 15-16, a Peace Summit will be held in Switzerland. In total, Ukraine and Switzerland have invited more than 150 countries to the event, while Russia has not received an invitation. Just yesterday it became known that Côte d'Ivoire would also take part in the first Global Peace Summit on Ukraine.

Neither the Chinese leader nor the US president confirmed their event participation. China's chief diplomat, Wang Yi, may ignore the Global Peace Summit, as he may attend the BRICS meeting that will take place at the same time.

On May 23, the governments of Brazil and China issued a joint statement on resolving the war between Russia and Ukraine, advocating political negotiations to achieve peace. They believe that the conference should be held only with the participation of Russia.