Mayor, organizers decry racist chanting incident at Bavarian festival

Two women sit on the terrace of the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt). A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked outrage in the country. Lea Sarah Albert/dpa

A Bavarian mayor and local organizers have distanced themselves from racist chanting at a festival, mirroring another incident in northern Germany which has caused concern across the country.

Friday's incident also involved people singing racist chants to the tune of "L'amour toujours" by Italian DJ Gigi D'Agostino at the Bergkirchweih festival in Erlangen.

The organizers and city mayor Florian Janik slammed the incident afterwards, and the caterers decided to stop playing the song, after police said two visitors chanted racist slogans to the tune on Friday evening.

The Erlangen criminal investigation department launched an investigation and the 21 and 26-year-old suspects have been banned from entering the festival, police said.

Police attending the festival from a different state in a personal capacity reported that two guests were shouting "foreigners out."

The incident follows a similar event in an upscale resort on the northern island of Sylt.

A video showed young people chanting racist slogans to the same tune. It later went viral and was widely condemned across the country, including by Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

People walk outside the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt) on Friday evening. A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked outrage in the country. Lea Sarah Albert/dpa
Luca Huth from Sylt is standing on the terrace of the "Pony" club in Kampen (Sylt) on Friday evening. A video shared online of young Germans chanting racist anti-immigrant slogans outside a pub on the North Sea island of Sylt has sparked outrage in the country. Lea Sarah Albert/dpa