'Put his behind in jail': Prosecutors raise alarm over Trump assassination rant

Donald Trump (Photo by Mandel Ngan for AFP)

Appearing on MSNBC's "The Weekend," former federal prosecutors Kristy Greenberg and Glenn Kirschner raised the alarm that Donald Trump has put law enforcement officials in danger by accusing President Joe Biden of wanting to "shoot" him — with the two attorneys saying the former president needs to be hauled into court and possibly incarcerated.

Earlier in the week, Trump sent out an email to his rabid supporters ranting about language in the Mar-a-Lago search warrant that is standard in all federal search warrants.

According to Trump: "BIDEN’S DOJ WAS AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT ME! It’s just been revealed that Biden’s DOJ was authorized to use DEADLY FORCE for their DESPICABLE raid in Mar-a-Lago. You know they’re just itching to do the unthinkable … Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”

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Speaking with the hosts of "The Weekend," Greenberg called out the former president's blatant lie, telling the panel, "What he is saying is not only a lie, it is so dangerous. He is saying that in the search warrant, there was an authorization to use deadly force. That is a gross mischaracterization of the language in the search warrant. If the officers were in danger in some way, there were circumstances where they could use force but no force was used."

"They executed the search warrant when Donald Trump and his family were not there," she added. "This is rhetoric, dangerous rhetoric, because you are putting the lives of the law enforcement agents that executed the search warrant in danger. "

Kirschner agreed and added, "I do not know how long the institutions of government — prosecutors and judges — will continue to sacrifice the safety of FBI agents, prosecutors and their families, witnesses and jurors, to this violence-inducing rhetoric."

"There is a vehicle in the law designed to address this when a defendant is on release and is a danger to a single person in the community, he is to be detained pending trial," he elaborated. "As we were just discussing, this is another failure of the equal application of the law by Donald Trump and we are paying the price dearly. "

"Well, if we believe he is above the law, put his behind in jail," co-host Michael Steele replied. "And that is how it would work with any other criminal defendant who is in violation of the rules, not in one but in all cases."

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