'Who really cares?' Fox News pundit throws cold water on Hunter Biden 'addiction' segment

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Fox News guest Lucy Caldwell dismissed a network segment on Hunter Biden's alleged addiction ahead of a possible trial over gun charges.

During a Sunday segment on Fox News, host Howard Kurtz focused on charges against the president's son.

"The question is whether or not they want to pressure Hunter into a plea," Kurtz said. "Hunter doesn't contest all this. It's in his memoirs as he was smoking crack 24-7. But he's got to be worried about a trial right now embarrassing his father."

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But Caldwell disagreed.

"I actually don't think that this trial would be that embarrassing or the whole thing is that embarrassing because the question is, what is the impact?" she explained. "And yes, we can stipulate to a whole bunch of things about Hunter Biden."

"He is a person who has acted inappropriately and has behaved in a way that most of us could not, would not, should not," she continued. "But who really cares? The people who are Biden supporters are not going to be moved off of Biden because of this. And people who are hardcore MAGA supporters, Trump supporters, this is all confirmatory."

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"So I don't see the timing of the trial having much of an impact."

Kurtz responded by defending the segment.

"Well, I would just say that on the who really cares part, I mean, the president's son has two trials coming up, both criminal, after that plea deal fell apart," he said. "And I do think there's an effort, both sides might have an incentive, let's put it this way, to settle this, which would undoubtedly include some jail time for the president's son."

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