Putting Trump in position 'to get jeered for thirty minutes' shows MAGA campaign’s concern: analyst

Donald Trump speaks during 2024 Libertarian National Convention, Image via screengrab/News Nation.

Ahead of Donald Trump's appearance on the 2024 Libertarian Convention stage Saturday, CNN reported that the MAGA hopeful was "expected to deliver a pitch to Libertarians focused on their shared grievances over President Joe Biden’s four years in Washington," according to an event organizer.

The former president's campaign was in for a rude awakening.

Ex-Republican staffer and Bulwark writer Tim Miller said via X (formerly Twitter), "Trump commits to put a Libertarian in his cabinet and then goes off prompter and starts making fun of the Libertarian party after they boo him."

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CNN political analyst and former White House communications director Kate Bedingfield suggested during a Sunday, May 26 panel that the move proves the ex-president's campaign is "concerned" about November.

"Traditionally you're not going to send your candidate into a place where you know he's going to get jeered for thirty minutes," Bedingfield said.

Trump was met with "'thunderous' boos," at both the beginning and end of his speech, and the MAGA leader "was booed especially loudly when he called for the Libertarian Party to nominate him, instead of its own candidate, in the election."

Bedingfield emphasized Trump also "cut his speech short," adding, "I mean, he wasn't loving it. I know the spin from the Trump has been 'We're trying to go into non traditional places and unite the country', but this, to me, shows how concerned they are. They're concerned about RFK Jr. They see him taking enough of Trump's support in polls that they felt like they had to send their guy in to essentially get machete'd at the Libertarian conference because they're worried about the support that RFK Jr's getting."

READ MORE: Trump ends speech to 'mostly boos' after going 'off prompter' and 'making fun of' his host

In relation to 2024 Independent candidate RFK Jr., CNN reported:

The outreach to Libertarians follows weeks of stepped-up attacks by Trump aimed at Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose high-profile independent White House bid is increasingly viewed by the former president’s advisers as a potential problem in an election expected to be decided by a narrow margin in a handful of states. Kennedy addressed the convention Friday as the two directly compete for voters disenchanted by the two-party system.

The ex-White House staffer added, "And, don't forget, he's also in the Bronx because he's on trial in Manhattan and tethered to New York, so I don't know that that's so much a strategic decision as it is a tactical one."

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READ MORE: This billionaire megadonor is bankrolling Trump’s super PAC — while giving millions to RFK Jr.

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