I tried peeling a hard-boiled egg using the viral TikTok method and it blew my mind

Hard-boiling egg is easier than getting rid of the shell once it’s prepared. But TikTok users seem to have figured it out thanks to a viral hack, which I tried, too.

Last week, I tried peeling garlic using a container and was utterly disappointed. However, I must credit some brilliant hacks on TikTok that have come of use immensely. I strongly recommend trying the 5-5-5 method for hard-boiling eggs and the tea bag strain hack to save time and money.

Copyright © 2017 Annick Vanderschelden

How to peel hard-boiled eggs with Mason Jar

This is among a few simple hacks people swear by. All you need is a hard-boiled egg and a Mason jar. Follow the below instructions.

  • Fill the Mason Jar with some water. Don’t fill more than half.
  • Place a boiled egg inside the jar.
  • Give it a good shake for about half a minute.

I wouldn’t recommend shaking the jar too vigorously to fasten the process as the hack is bound to fail. I broke the first egg; treat it like a cocktail shaker.

Don’t add more than one egg at a time as it restricts the movement by eating up the space in the jar. You should ideally use this method to peel one egg at a time.

I couldn’t be more impressed with the hack

This is my go-to method to peel hard-boiled eggs henceforth! I was surprised when I saw the egg separate from the shell in one piece.

The shell was also intact and peeled off conveniently without breaking into too many pieces, so disposing of it was easy, too.

I would recommend the Mason Jar hack to peel hard-boiled eggs because it takes me very little time and effort compared to peeling it with my hands. If this isn’t convincing, then try the no-peel hack suggested by a TikTok nutritionist.