29-year-old caught driving in Downham Market with no licence or insurance

A 29-year-old with no driving licence was seen travelling along the A10 with incorrect number plates on his vehicle.

Karl Jones appeared at Lynn Magistrates’ Court on Thursday where he admitted driving without a licence or insurance.

At 9.50pm on March 30, two police officers stopped the grey Ford Ranger that Jones was driving on the A10 in Downham due to it having the incorrect number plate displayed on it.

Karl Jones was pulled over on the A10 in Downham. Picture: Google Maps

Once pulled over, Jones said that he did not have his driving licence on him, then later confessed: “I don’t have a driving licence I will tell you right now.”

He was initially handed a caution until further checks were carried out which revealed that Jones had an expired provisional driving licence - he was subsequently arrested and interviewed.

Jones, of Hudson Road in Cambridge, appeared unrepresented in court and said: “There’s nothing I would like to say so that’s fine.”

He was fined £120 and ordered to pay court costs of £40 and a victim surcharge of £48. He will also have a total of six points added to his licence.