Poland's Tusk to outline $2.5bn plan to reinforce eastern border

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk takes part in a press statement after a joint meeting in the Federal Chancellery. Tusk will announce details of the planned security reinforcement of his country's eastern border on 27 May.The plan, called Protective Shield East, envisages investments totalling the equivalent to about $2.5 billion to secure the border, which is also forms part of the European Union's external border. Christoph Soeder/dpa

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk will announce details of the planned security reinforcement of his country's eastern border on Monday.

The plan, called Protective Shield East, envisages investments totalling the equivalent to about $2.5 billion to secure the border, which is also forms part of the European Union's external border.

Poland, a member of NATO, has an eastern border with Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia. Poland also shares a border with authoritarian Belarus, an ally of Moscow, and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

In the course of the war in Ukraine, fears have grown in Warsaw that Poland could find itself in Russia's crosshairs.

Tusk, during a visit to the north-eastern city of Białystok last week, said "fortifications and changes to the terrain that will make the mobility of a potential attacker very difficult" are planned along the border.

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