Wolves fans have now sent a seriously big message to Jeff Shi, after disgraceful season ticket price hikes

Earlier this week, Wolves fans were left absolutely disgusted after season ticket renewal prices were significantly raised – and supporters have now come together to send a huge message to Fosun and Jeff Shi.

Just days after Wolves confirmed a 14th-placed finish in the Premier League, fans were left aghast when they saw how much it would cost to renew their season tickets for next season.

Many fans saw a rise of around 17% as per the E&S and, incredibly, some children’s tickets have gone up as much as 176%.

The general consensus is that the increases are completely unjustifiable, given the stagnation at the club, the lack of investment form the owners and the current cost of living crisis.

Many have slammed the raising of the season ticket prices as tone-deaf, and believe the move will drive away the most loyal Wolves supporters.

Since Thursday, when the announcements were made about season ticket prices, the fanbase has been active, and many have now come together to send a big message to chairman Jeff Shi…

Wolves petition to Jeff Shi against season ticket price hikes set to reach 10,000 signatures

Photo by Robbie Jay Barratt – AMA/Getty Images

There has not been fury at Wolves on a scale such as this for some time.

There have been some tough times at the club in recent years, with the club having really struggled to live up to those first couple of seasons back in the Premier League.

But there was always fantastic support. However tough it got, Wolves fans have been there giving their all for the team. Either in the stands at Molineux or from afar.

That is why this decision to significantly raise season ticket prices has gone down so horribly. Many fans feel as though it is a slap in the face, given the loyalty they have shown during the tough times.

And many just don’t feel the rises are necessary, and some hate the fact the club have based their new prices on those of other clubs – many of which are based down in London.

So with many people feeling really strongly about this, a petition is currently going around, calling on chairman Jeff Shi to ‘reconsider the approach to ticket prices before irreversible damage is done to the fanbase and the local community’.

This was started by Old Gold Pack, and has been live since Friday – and the support it has received so far has been big, with the petition having 8760 signatures as of Sunday evening. It will not be long before the target of 10,000 signatures is hit.

The petition against the season ticket price hikes can be accessed with this link.

Brilliant from Wolves fans

The response to the season ticket price hikes from the fanbase has been fierce, and it is fantastic to see everyone coming together on this.

It is an absolutely appalling decision that needs to be reconsidered immediately.

It would be absolutely incredible if the decision-makers at Molineux thought they could get away with doing this, without there being a reaction like there has been. If they honestly thought there would be no backlash, then it’s just arrogant and totally insulting to the fans.

The groundswell of support the petition has had is really encouraging though, and hopefully Shi, Fosun and whoever else is involved in this will get the message loud and clear.

We have seen what the power of fans can do in football. The collapse of the proposed Super League a few years ago is a good example. This is on a smaller scale than that, since it’s just one club involved here. But to Wolves fans it’s every bit as disgusting as that was and clearly people are ready to fight against the decision.