'You can tell': Former Real Madrid player shares what he noticed about Liverpool fans while playing at Anfield

Jurgen Klopp was keen to stress the importance of Liverpool’s supporters when waving goodbye to the club last weekend.

Few have harnessed the power of the Reds’ support like Klopp, who had a quite unbelievable record at Anfield.

Upon leaving Liverpool, the manager called the club’s fanbase the ‘superpower of football’ and urged new head coach Arne Slot to be backed in exactly the same way as he always was.

It remains to be seen whether that comes true or not, but Slot can expect to walk into an institution who have been famed for creating an incredible atmosphere throughout their history.

Myths and legends have been created around Anfield, which remains one of club footballs most alluring venues. Opposition players and managers have been bowled over by the famous stadium over the years, with another now added to the pile.

Emmanuel Adebayor hails ‘crazy’ Anfield atmosphere

Rival fans will have you believe that Anfield is a completely overrated football ground that is simply nothing special.

However, the reams of players and managers to have come away from the ground in awe of its spectacle would say otherwise.

The latest to add weight behind that notion is former Arsenal and Manchester City striker Emmanuel Adebayor.

Having had something of a journeyman career that also took in a spell at Real Madrid, Adebayor has played in stadiums all over the world.

READ MORE: Fulham’s Tom Cairney admits he experienced something ‘mental’ while playing at Anfield

But asked by Sky Sports Premier League to name his favourite away ground to play in, the Togolese picked Liverpool’s home.

“I think I’ll go for Anfield,” says Adebayor. “The atmosphere there is not the most beautiful but it’s defnitely the most crazy, it’s so loud.

“You can tell the fans are behind their team. You’ll Never Walk Alone is beautiful.”

Can Arne Slot continue Anfield legacy?

One of the best things about Liverpool under Klopp was that you could always rely on them to win at home.

They didn’t always follow through with this, and were obviously beaten occasionally.

READ MORE: Arsenal’s William Saliba shares which stadium he prefers – Anfield or Stamford Bridge

But with the German in charge, Liverpool went through three full Premier League seasons unbeaten at Anfield. That’s incredibly impressive. In two more campaigns they lost just once at the stadium.

If Slot is to be a success with the Reds, he also needs to use the power of the crowd. Should he foster a similar reputation to Klopp, he’s halfway onto a winner.

As the likes of Adebayor continue to prove, Liverpool’s home support does have a big effect on the opposition.

It could be the difference for Slot.