Prince Harry and William's 'tension' over friend's wedding - 'Incredibly sad it has come to this'

A snubbing at a high-profile wedding has served as a reminder of the deep cracks in Prince Harry and William’s friendship, a royal source claims.

The royal family has endured a series of well-documented difficult moments in recent years, and brothers Prince Harry and William have been at the forefront of the family’s problems. From negative public polling to reports of concealed inter-family disputes, a recent debacle concerning the wedding of a close friend has accentuated the rumored issues between Harry and William.

Wedding scenario highlights ‘awkwardness’ between Prince Harry and Prince William

According to recent reports, a close friend of William and Harry’s – Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster, is set to be wed on June 7, though only one of the brothers will be in attendance.

While both of the King‘s sons have enjoyed lifelong friendships with the billionaire Grosvenor, Harry will not be at the Chester ceremony – despite William being offered a role as an usher.

Though The Times noted that Harry and Meghan’s sources claimed they did in fact receive a “save the date” card, recent rumors indicate that he and Meghan were excluded from being officially invited due to fears that their presence could make things awkward.

Photo credit should read ANDREW PARSONS/AFP via Getty Images

‘It’s incredibly sad’ – Royal source on Harry and William’s rift

Describing the tension between the two royal couples, an anonymous royal source expressed regret over how far the once greatly close brothers had come.

“It’s incredibly sad it has come to this. Hugh is one of the very few close friends of William and Harry’s who has maintained strong bonds and a line of communication with both,” explained the source.

“He (Grosevnor) wishes they could put their heads together and patch things up, but realizes it’s unlikely to happen before the wedding.

“He wanted to avoid anything overshadowing the day, especially for Olivia (Henson, fiancée), and doesn’t want any awkwardness.”

Despite Harry’s absence, the wedding will take place on June 7 at Chester Cathedral, with more than 400 guests said to be attending.

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