Scott Brown shares why he'll be in contact with Celtic this summer

Celtic’s Scottish Cup win has done two things for Brendan Rodgers this coming summer.

Firstly, the Celtic boss gets to sit back and laud it over the Scottish media who had all but written off his team’s chances of winning the title.

Rodgers will also be extremely proud of his current crop of players and he will also be looking at his squad slightly differently now after some more than others stepped up towards the end of the season.

But secondly, the cup win at Hampden has also revealed that Scott Brown will be in contact with him this summer after the former Celtic captain admitted that he will be looking for a favour from the Hoops gaffer.

Scott Brown wants Celtic’s players to push Ayr United’s fortunes

Now the manager of Ayr United, Brown will be looking to build on his first season at the club where he managed to steer the south coast club to safety in the Championship.

And when asked what his plans were to drive his club forward, Brown said he intends to tap into Celtic’s pool of quality players to help push Ayr’s bid for promotion to the SPFL.

Brown said [Scottish Football Podcast], “We’ve got try and drive forward and we’ve got to try and bring in some quality players as well.

“And I’ll always be asking Celtic for that little bit of help as well. At the same time, I’ve enjoyed it going down there [to Ayr].

“And now we need to make sure we push on because we survived that season, I don’t want to just survive next season.”

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

To be fair to Broony, he was only eight points off the promotion play-off places this season so it’s not as if there is major work needing to be done to his team. [BBC]

The Celtic legend is certainly making a name for himself in the managerial game and if he can raid Celtic for players to push Ayr into the top league, then there is no doubt bigger and better things will come the former Hoops captain’s way in the very near future.