'Suckers' and 'losers': Montage of Trump disrespecting troops goes viral for Memorial Day

Donald Trump with members of the U.S. military (Photo via AFP)

A video montage of Donald Trump disrespecting service members went viral on Memorial Day.

In a Monday social media post, The Daily Show show shared clips recalling how Trump considered fallen troops "suckers" and "losers."

"Never forget how much Trump respects the troops," the sarcastic caption read.

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"Trump has faced major criticism for not reaching out to the families of four U.S. soldiers," MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle says in one clip. "He has played golf at least four times since these young men were killed."

One grieving widow recalled, "The president said that [her husband] knew what he signed up for."

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"He couldn't remember my husband's name," she added.

In another clip, Trump suggests former Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) shouldn't be considered a war hero "because he was captured."

"I like people that weren't captured, OK?" Trump says in the video.

Watch the video below from The Daily Show.

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