Fox News medical expert knocks down right-wing conspiracy theory about NFL player's clot

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Fox News medical commentator Dr. Marc Siegel pushed back against a right-wing conspiracy theory claiming NFL player Billy Price got a blood clot because he was vaccinated for COVID-19.

During a Monday Fox News segment on Price's blood clot, Siegel addressed the theory.

"COVID definitely has increased the risk of blood clots directly, especially early in the pandemic," the doctor explained. "And everyone out there asks about the vaccine."

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"I think we have the answer to that finally," he added. "A huge study out of the UK and Estonia just looked at 10 million people who were vaccinated and 10 million people who weren't and those who were vaccinated and then got COVID had 70% less chance of getting a blood clot less."

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The Fox News anchor urged Siegel to focus on Price at that point.

"The vaccination or not plays no part that we are aware of in this NFL player's story," the anchor said. "I wanna bring you back to that for a second."

Figures on the right have suggested Price was forced to retire because of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Fox news doctor Marc Seigel just claimed that Covid and not the vaccine was causing the blood clots," one influencer wrote. "Is there anyone in public life not owned by Big Pharma?"

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