'Things have gone too far' over Meghan Markle and Prince Harry - 'It's triggering'

Maligned couple Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been subject to a substantial amount of criticism since they announced their decision to step down as senior royals in 2020.

Coverage of the royal family in 2024 is seldom positive, though one Windsor couple receive an undue amount of criticism – according to one royal writer. In a heartfelt appeal, correspondent Daniela Elser claimed the public and the media need to look at the way they treat the often vilified Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Royal writer expresses fear over treatment of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

“You don’t have to be a devoted member of the Sussex Squad or think they are the two of the most hard done by people since the bubonic plague was in its heyday,” wrote the royal correspondent in an opinion piece for Australian site ‘News.com.au’.

The reason for Esler’s reflection on Harry and Meghan stemmed from a recent trip the pair took to Nigeria. The visit, though technically not an official royal outing, appeared to go down well among the local communities they visited.

Throughout Harry and Meghan’s three-day tour of Nigeria, they embarked on several visits to charitable institutions – including a stop at Save the Children’s Abuja-based offices.

Taking to Twitter (X) to thank the pair for stopping by, Save the Children was met with a wave of negative posts about the couple – prompting the charity to turn off replies, and Esler to pen her thoughts online.

Included in the tirade of abuse Harry and Meghan got, says Elser, were lines such as, “Why are you sharing this visit by two wicked people who should be kept well away from children? We shall withdraw our direct debit donations immediately.” And “Will never give money to this charity again.”

Harry and Meghan treatment has ‘gone too far’

Photo by KOLA SULAIMON/AFP via Getty Images

Reacting to the less-than-warm reception Save The Children’s post received, the Aussie writer expressed her dismay at people coming under fire for doing charity work.

“Stop right here. Step back”, wrote Esler. “Here are two people being vilified for wanting to help save kids’ lives.”

“Things have gone far, far too far when people are talking about withholding money from a children’s charity out of venom towards the Duke and Duchess of Sussex”, she continued.

Esler went on to argue that while she doesn’t agree with every example of their behavior, citing the couple’s interview with Oprah amid Prince Phillip’s hospital stint and their controversial Netflix series as examples, their charity work is a separate entity that should not be held against them.

“The problem is that people can’t, or quite simply won’t, distinguish between what the Duke and the Duchess of Sussex have done as two humans with an over-developed compulsion to share (and earn money) and what they have done, and are doing, as humanitarians.”

Theorizing about how Harry and Meghan’s treatment reflects on our wider society, she added: “Maybe this is all indicative of much larger cultural shifts where the entire world is increasingly factionalised and siloed and opinions are reinforced in social media echo chambers but in the royal world, this translates things having gotten to a point where the Duchess of Sussex cannot win.”

And, rather poignantly, Esley concluded: “Whether you think Harry and Meghan are valiant crusaders fighting the good fight or self-serving and myopic or anywhere in between, that has nothing to do with the fact they continue to get up and to try and help the world in some way, at least some days of the year.”

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