Australia: Consequences of Israel strikes 'horrific and unacceptable'

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong has called for a "ceasefire now" following the deadly airstrikes by Israel near Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

"Events of the last 24 hours underscore that we must see a humanitarian ceasefire now so that civilians can be protected," Wong said in a statement posted on social media platform X.

"Israel's strikes have had horrific and unacceptable consequences," Wong continued. "Australia has been been very clear that Israel must not proceed with its operation in Rafah – where more than half of Gaza's 2.3 million people are sheltering."

"Hamas must release all hostages, stop using Palestinian civilians as human shields and lay down its arms."

The Hamas-run health authority in Gaza said 45 people were killed and dozens injured in the airstrike that hit tents housing displaced people on Sunday.

Most of the victims of the airstrike were women and children, the health authority said, describing the incident as a "massacre."